Matrix technology

Will Take You To another dimension

discover the orb

Our latest project

The ORB GAME is a realistic deathmatch in virtual reality technology that enables players to compete in real time. Players must take control of enemy space combat ships. Dexterity and speed count for everything: players must be careful not to become sitting ducks for enemy ships. The game is built on outstanding simulation that offer players a jaw-droppingly realistic experience.
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our brand grows for you

years on the market
years on US market
completed projects

About us

we design new solutions

Matrix Technology has been operating in the multimedia attractionsindustry for over 15 years, since the time when the trend for such devices spreadworldwide. The multimedia entertainment market is very demanding, and to succeedin it, one must constantly set the latest trends and technological solutions. Our role isnot limited to the production of devices. We are inventors who create new solutionsfrom scratch, responding to the rapidly changing expectations of virtualentertainment users. We design, create content, and build devices. Our goal is todeliver extraordinary emotions and spectacular experiences.

Analysis of the location in terms of capacity and target audience
Technical support
Implementation and staff training
Production of devices and content
Design of devices and their surroundings
Preparation of a thematic concept along with a proposal of devices



At Matrix Technology, our process begins with a detailed analysis of the location and audience to tailor our solutions. We then design and produce immersive devices and experiences. From concept to creation, we ensure top quality and precision. Once implemented, we offer training and provide ongoing technical support to guarantee smooth operation and lasting success.
1. Analysis of the location in terms of capacity and target audience
2.Preparation of a thematic concept along with a proposal of devices
3.Design of devices and their surroundings
4.Production of devices and content
5.Implementation and staff training
6.Technical support

our strengths

Technological expertise
Highest quality 5D and VR content
Attraction operational structure expertise
Compliance with global standards and agreements

recent realisations

latest completed projects


Project 3

Project 4

Project 5

Project 6

click to see the rest

15 localizations

check where we are

Check out the locations where we are already available for players and also where we will be appearing in the near future
Middle East & Asia



(EU) +48 785 620 055
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